No doubt that I was as surprised as Hillary when results came in for Iowa in a practical landslide for my homeskillet, Barack Obama. All I read in the past few days was the press shuffling it's feet and declaring the Clinton campaign dead and buried. The mainstream press was all over the easily packaged sound bite to call her the comeback kid II. Is that the one where she goes to Okinawa?
Granted, I'm a Clinton fan, but a bigger Bill-Jeff fan. But I'm also a closet idealist which is why I'm down with Barack. Us brothers gotta stick together. I'm still mostly just watching as a spectator at this juncture in the electorate because my horse didn't do so well in 2004. Thanks Howard. I'm gonna put my money where my mouth is this year but I'm waiting until after Super Tuesday before I make it rain all over Barack.
I was telling another guy at work prematurely (THIS NEVER HAPPENS) on Monday that I thought Hillary was dead in the waterworks after the questionable tactics at that press conference where she choked up. I thought it was a bad play. But hey, politics is just showbiz for ugly people anyway. I guess this wrinkle just makes it more fun to watch anyway.
GOP-wise, I still think the Huckabee thing was a total gaseous anomaly. He is, by far, the biggest ass-scratcher of the bunch. Even more so than Captain Mormon. In good conscience, I could only support McCain because he is a decent man. But I keep asking myself where the fuck is all this grass roots buzz for Ron Paul? Where the fuck is America's mayor? Sorry Fred, stick to, er, scripted television.
There other thing that's got me throwing split-fingered poo is this fucking Roger Clemmons thing. Let me preface by saying, I think he's the most dominant pitcher of the modern era and I can think of nobody that get my spurs jinglin' and janglin' like this mofo. Especially in his prime. But that's problem, when is his prime? Age is gonna turn you into more of a finesse pitcher obviously. But it seems weird that he can still seem ageless at 45. Despite that really bad frosting thing he did with his hair when he played with the Astros. He is the second most vocal pitcher in the game next to the love-him-or-hate-him Curt Schilling. The thing that fucking bothers me about his reaction to his little hissy fit is that he is trying to convince everyone he is above the game.
I hate the pompous notion that he thinks because of his track record that he deserves to somehow rise above all the other the defunct heroes of the steroid era. Hey Roger, this is the world we now live in. Get used to it, you blowhard. And that fucking bullshit telephone conversation was one of the most bush league things I've heard in a while. You'd think if there was any cred to the story Rog is giving us, we woulda heard him ripping "Mac" a new turd-cutter six ways to Sunday. BTW, you know, you can take B12 in pill form, it's in every vitamin aisle on the planet. Why is every player so anxious to take it in the fanny? God knows, there's a good chance Barry Bonds will get to find out the hard way.